Dances with Wolves (1990)

What editions are available?

  • Theatrical (181 min.)
  • Extended (234 min.)

Kevin Costner directed,  produced and starred in the Oscar winning film Dances with Wolves in 1990. The movie won 7 Oscars including Best Picture, Director and Best Screenplay Based on Material From Another Medium. Two editions of the movie are available on Blu-ray: Theatrical in the UK and Extended in the US, the latter is a cut by the producer Jim Wilson.

”I didn’t work on the long version of Dances With Wolves,” said Costner according to Entertainment Weekly. ”I release the versions I want. They are long, so I don’t need for ’em to be any longer.”

Source: Entertainment Weekly

The director’s preferred edition: Theatrical

Comparison of the editions with courtesy of

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