
Aliens (1986)

What editions are available?

  • Theatrical (137 min.)
  • Special Edition (154 min.)

In 1992 director James Cameron re-released the sci-fi classic Aliens as a Special Edition on VHS and VideoDisc. Both the theatrical and the Special Edition are on the Blu-ray release of Aliens. While it was dubbed as a Special Edition it is actually a director’s cut as we know them today, as Cameron states on the 2003 Alien Quadrilogy DVD set:

“This is Jim Cameron. What you’re about to watch is the special edition of Aliens. I actually prefer this version to the released version, because, as it’s been best described by one of my friends, it’s 40 miles of bad road. I think it’s a longer, more intense and more suspenseful version of the film. The conventional wisdom then was: don’t make the film too long. But at two hours and 37 minutes, this is the ride that we intended you to take. So, enjoy it.”

Source: Aliens Special Edition into on the Alien Quadrilogy DVD set

The director’s preferred edition: Special Edition

Comparison of the editions with courtesy of

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