Still from Pathfinder

Pathfinder (2007)

What editions are available?

  • Theatrical Cut (99 min.)
  • Unrated Cut (107 min.)

The Viking/Native American action flick Pathfinder was released in a unrated cut on Blu-ray. The unrated cut was marketed as an extended cut on DVD and Blu-ray in the UK. The theatrical cut is available on DVD but has not still arrived on Blu-ray. Director Marcus Nispel says the following in the commentary on the unrated cut on Blu-ray:

“This is something that’s on the DVD that was not in the original release. You see, the Pathfinder gives Ghost a moral background, he gives him teachings to take him off a vengeful path. I was very interested in telling a master-desciple relationship. And to me those little bits were actually very important. Now, to a thrill-seeking movie going audience it might slow things down. To me, it says a lot about character and how a character gets made, and it is a, you know, straying aspect of, I think, why the movie is called Pathfinder.

A couple of minutes later Nispel says:

“…And then after we looked at how the movie ran, the studio and me had various conversations about whittling it down. And going back to what was my original vision. To do something more in the vein of First Blood. But I felt in the DVD version, we can sort of expand on what the original idea was. Both of which I think are valid, and both versions I like.”

Source: Marcus Nispel’s commentary track for the unrated cut of Pathfinder on Blu-ray

The director’s preferred edition: Both

Comparison of the editions with courtesy of

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