The Midnight Meat Train still

The Midnight Meat Train (2008)

What editions are available?

  • Theatrical Cut (98 min.)
  • Unrated Director’s Cut (103 min.)

Clive Barker’s The Midnight Meat Train received a limited theatrical release in 2008 and was released the next year on DVD and Blu-ray in an unrated director’s cut. Early on in the commentary track on Blu-ray the director Ryûhei Kitamura talks about how the unrated director’s cut contains gore that he was forced to cut from the theatrical cut:

Clive Barker: “…And this is not a soft horror movie. And just on that note by the way, how much more is in this version than in the theatrical release?”
Ryûhei Kitamura: “It has much more bloody gore stuff.”
Clive Barker: “Was that chiefly take out by the MPAA or was that..?”
Ryûhei Kitamura: “It was the MPAA and the producers, we had a lot of struggle, because you know, we were supposed to release this movie big. So kinda they forced me to..”
Clive Barker: “Do you want to go to that now or…?”
Ryûhei Kitamura: “No, no, no…”

Source: Commentary track with Clive Barker and Ryûhei Kitamura on The Midnight Meat Train Blu-ray

The director’s preferred edition: Unrated Director’s Cut

Comparison of the editions with courtesy of

List of different editions with courtesy of DVD | Blu-ray

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